GCC Moodle News

[LIB] Welcome to Our College Library! Important Information and Opening Hours for you as a freshmen!

by LAM Kevin Kai Wing -


| 📁 Find Wi-Fi & Connect to Wi-Fi : Poster |

| 📁 In-house Services 校內服務(圖書館)預約申請: Click Here  (只接受 Bachelor Degree Year 1 同學申請)


圖書館服務時間 Library service hours 

Mondays to Fridays, from 9:15 am to 7:00 pm  (*No class held in Library: 9:15 am to 9:30 pm)

Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

電話 Tel5804-4141

電郵 Email : libinfo@gratia.edu.hk

在線聊天 LiveChat: Click Here


*避免同學們的資訊接收出現超負荷情況,圖書館同事願意為您僅提供每週一至兩個的 Moodle 消息,希望同學更加專注學習。*

Add/Drop/Exemption Period is Over

by CHEN Moses Ying Jie -

Dear students, 

Please be informed that the Course Add/Drop/Exemption period is over, and the application forms are closed

If you still haven't paid for any exemption applications, or there is any irregularity with your course enrollments, please get in touch with the Registry immediately. 

Thank you for your kind attention.

Wishing you a good semester of learning!

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