GCC Moodle News

Course Add/Drop/Exemption Application Period for Semester 2 AY2024-25

by CHEN Moses Ying Jie -

Dear students, 

Good day.

Please be informed that the Course Add/Drop/Exemption forms will be opened from Monday 16 December 2024 from 12 PM. They will then remain open until the end of Week 2 of the Second Semester (12 PM Noon of Saturday 19 January 2025).

DO NOT SUBMIT FORMS TO ADD FOR COMPULSORY COURSES -- this unnecessarily increases the burden of processing for us. If you don't know which courses are compulsory, and which are electives, please reach out to your year mentor or programme director. 

You are allowed to fill in only ONE course per form submission. The Registry will not process forms that have more than ONE course entered per submission.

In courses with limited spaces, Course Add forms will be processed on a FIRST-COME FIRST-SERVED BASISbased on the the time of form submission.

You may find the access to the Course Add/Drop/Exemption forms on the Registry website under the menu bar for "Current Students":


Kindly please be reminded that Exemption Applications will not be processed before payment of the administration fee. 

If you are a BSW student who wishes to Drop compulsory (non-elective) courses, please be advised that that you must in the Request for Change of Study Plan with the School of Social Work and get approval from your programme director before the Registry can take any action:

Request for Change of Study Plan 

Thank you for your kind attention.

Happy learning!

[LIB] 圖書館提供了許多有價值的資源來支持你們的學習,特別是在考試期間!

by LAM Kevin Kai Wing -



1. 考試卷資源 

我們的圖書館擁有一個專門的平台 —— Dspace,在這裡你們可以找到各科的考試卷作為參考。這是準備考試的絕佳資源,幫助你們了解考試格式和題型。 

報告問題 ! 存取資料庫時遇到問題?可填寫 表格,我們進一步調查一下!


2. 開放時間靈活 (9/12 - 20/12)


3. 環境的優勢

- 安靜的學習空間:讓你們能夠專心致志地學習。

- 專業的支持:圖書館工作人員隨時準備提供幫助,無論是找資料還是使用資源。

4. 社交學習的好地方




圖書館服務時間 Library service hours 

Mondays to Fridays, from 9:15 am to 7:00 pm  (*No class held in Library: 9:15 am to 9:30 pm)

Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

電話 Tel5804-4141

電郵 Email : libinfo@gratia.edu.hk

WhatsApp a Librarian: Click Here


*避免同學們的資訊接收出現超負荷情況,圖書館同事願意為您僅提供每週一至兩個的 Moodle 消息,希望同學更加專注學習。*

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