GCC Moodle News

Let's Hear from YOU

Let's Hear from YOU

by LI Collin Ho Lun -
Number of replies: 1

Dear Gratians, 
The city has been in turmoil these days. Part of the reason lies in the breakdown of communication. In a way this speaks to us all, for we, in the name of efficiency, sometimes run so fast that time spent on listening constitutes a serious impediment, if not an eyesore, to our goal. 
That’s why the College Assembly Advisory Working Group (members: Prof Chang, KC, Nathan, Prof Pang, Wing, and collin) would like to create a platform for you to air your views. The Group will meet this Friday (Jul 05) at 2 pm in room 205. The main purpose is to set the theme and tone for the 2019-2020 College Assemblies. 
Feel free to join us should you, students and staff alike, wish. To register, just email me at collinli@gratia.edu.hk 
With anticipation, 

In reply to LI Collin Ho Lun

Re: Let's Hear from YOU

by LI Collin Ho Lun -

My fault. How dare I am... Miss out Phyllis, our key companion of the working group.