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[Library sharing] Learning out of the box

[Library sharing] Learning out of the box

LAM Yi Ling Elaine -

The Power of Storytelling in Early Childhood: Helping Children Process the Coronavirus Crisis / Susan Friedman

Storytelling. It’s how families, cultures, and communities share information, values, emotions, hopes, and beliefs. Under usual circumstances, telling stories, reading aloud compelling children’s literature, and planning opportunities for children to create and share their own stories are things teachers do daily. But as schools remain closed to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, these are not usual circumstances. Here are three ways the power of storytelling in early childhood is helping young children during this pandemic...

MHP Now / KidConnects

Most of us know the things we are supposed to do to care for ourselves like get 8 hours of sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy. What else can we do, especially during a pandemic to take care of our mental health while we continue to care for children? Here are 9 additional strategies...

Why This Word Is So Dangerous to Say or Hear / Andrew Newberg and Mark Waldman

This word can damage both the speaker’s and listener’s brain...

How to Ruin Children’s Play: Supervise, Praise, Intervene / Peter Gray

How to enjoy, not destroy, children's play...

What’s tough about leading people / Katrin Schwabe

For some of us, leading people comes naturally. For most, however, it's hard. Here's why, and what you can do about it...

Gratia Christian College Library 
 Call: (852) 5804 4141 | E-mail: libinfo@gratia.edu.hk | Website: http://www.gcc.edu.hk/library/ | Room G01, Ground Floor, Gratia Christian College