GCC Moodle News

[LIB] Welcome to Our College Library! Important Information and Opening Hours for you as a freshmen!

[LIB] Welcome to Our College Library! Important Information and Opening Hours for you as a freshmen!

by LAM Kevin Kai Wing -
Number of replies: 0


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圖書館服務時間 Library service hours 

Mondays to Fridays, from 9:15 am to 7:00 pm  (*No class held in Library: 9:15 am to 9:30 pm)

Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

電話 Tel5804-4141

電郵 Email : libinfo@gratia.edu.hk

在線聊天 LiveChat: Click Here


*避免同學們的資訊接收出現超負荷情況,圖書館同事願意為您僅提供每週一至兩個的 Moodle 消息,希望同學更加專注學習。*