楊日霖紀念學校(心靈壁畫義工服務)招募,最後今日 !!!
Yeung Yat Lam Memorial School (Mural Volunteer Service)
Service Objective: Embracing Inclusion through the cooperation with students with special educational needs (SEN), parents and volunteers
Address: No.6, Tin Pak Road, Tin Shui Wai,Yuen Long, New Territories.
壁畫主題:(1) 翠鳥 (2) 荷花池
Mural theme: (1) kingfisher (2) lotus pond
選擇A:2023年2月11日 (星期六),9 am 至5 pm
選擇B:2023年2月25日 (星期六),9 am 至 2 pm
Service Date & Time:
Option A: 11 Feb 2023 (Sat), 9 am to 5 pm
Option B: 25 Feb 2023 (Sat), 9 am to 2 pm
Enrollment link: https://forms.gle/NVRiNqkT16UpB6ED9
Enquiries: (SDO) 97568142