GCC Moodle News

[LIB] Events - 📚 十月新書New Arrivals, 漂書Book-crossing, 圖書館工作坊Library Workshops and In-House Services 校內服務招募 🛎️

[LIB] Events - 📚 十月新書New Arrivals, 漂書Book-crossing, 圖書館工作坊Library Workshops and In-House Services 校內服務招募 🛎️

LAM Kevin Kai Wing發表於
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| 📁 New Arrivals: Click Here

| 📁 Library Workshops: Click Here

| 🔗 : https://forms.gle/i7qnhhRu22yx8Eso8

| 🔗 : https://chat.whatsapp.com/J7EsUwnGuhv7AIWcIxfOwe

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