GCC Moodle News

[DCO] Recruitment of Student Helper - 展翅高飛 – 青年升學及職業博覽

[DCO] Recruitment of Student Helper - 展翅高飛 – 青年升學及職業博覽

FOK Chun Wai Ian -

Recruitment of Student Helper

Application Deadline: 5 pm, 11 June 2019, Tuesday
Application Form: https://forms.gle/2eJzPuT4BHVMaoet7

The Development and Communications Office (DCO) is recruiting students who have a strong sense of belonging to serve as student helper in the following event.  Student would be financially compensated at an hourly rate of HK$50.


Event Name:


15 & 16 June 2019, Sat to Sun

Report time:

10:30am - 4:30pm (Event Time: 10:30am - 4:15pm)


7/F, Cordis Hotel, Mong Kok (旺角康得思酒店7樓)


Distributing promotion materials, introducing college life in GCC,etc


Warm regards,
Ian Fok

Development and Communications Office  
(852) 5804 4144 | dco@gratia.edu.hk | Room G00, Ground Floor, Gratia Christian College