EBSCO Information Services 正在舉辦「新機器時代」系列活動,參加者請直接連線至 EBSCO 資料庫,並搜尋資料庫的內容寄送文章,就有機會獲得下列獎品,歡迎踴躍參與!!
Test your knowledge of EBSCO databases by taking our “New Machine Age Challenge”! Answer one of three questions below for a chance to win a prize courtesy of EBSCO Information Services.
Choose at least one of the three questions from the " "New Machine Age Challenge" and search for relevant results in EBSCO Academic Search™ or Business Source® databases.
在香港/澳門地區訂購EBSCO資料庫(Academic Search™ 系列,ASE/ASP/ASC/ASU 以及 Business Source® 系列 BSE/BSP/BSC/BSU) 的學校或研究機構,目前仍在學或在職的教職員工生。
Students or faculty members of universities and research institutions in Hong Kong or Macau that subscribe to any Academic Search™ or Business Source® database
什麼時候開始 Contest Dates
獎品包含: Audio-Technica ATH-AR3BT藍牙無線耳罩式耳機,共4位名額
Through 15 June 2019
Prizes Audio-Technica ATH-AR3BT 4 winners
如何參加抽獎 Instructions
1. 點選下方按鈕進入活動網頁,完成「新機器時代」的題目,並依照網頁內指示的寄送方式即可完成活動。 Choose at least one of the three questions about cocoa form our website and search for relevant results in EBSCO Academic Search™or Business Source® databases
1.抽獎完成後將透過手email通知得獎者(同一人只能得到一份獎品)。 Winners will be notified by email
2.得獎者必需於三日內回覆簡訊或email,逾時將另抽得獎者。 You must respond to our email notification within three (3) days
3.獎品將寄送到得獎者所在的學校或機構圖書館(室),請得獎者憑有效證件 (如職員證或學生證) 於收到通知一週內至圖書館(室)領取。 Please bring your Student ID to the library to claim your prize. Prizes must be claimed within one week.