Subject: Evacuation Procedure for Annual Fire Drill 2024-2025
Dear Colleagues & Students
Please be advised that Fire Drill in this academic year has been tentatively scheduled in March 2025. In order to involve as many students as possible, the Fire Drill will most likely be conducted on a Tuesday. And it is of utmost importance that all colleagues and / or students should know where the Emergency Assembly Point (EAP) is, and understand our college evacuation procedures.
1. Understanding Fire Escape Plan
All colleagues & students should familiarise yourselves with the Fire Escape Plan posted nearly the door exit. In case of emergency, please make sure that you do understand the following:
1.1 Which staircase leads to the nearest fire exit for you and your students?
1.2 Where is the fire extinguisher located?
1.3 What fire escape route is the best for your workplace, and
1.4 What is the fire escape procedure in College?
1.5 Also make sure that you understand your responsibility and your role in case of fire.
Evacuation Procedures
2 Responsibility of Teacher-on-duty
If fire happens during classes, teacher on duty should help to:
2.1 Direct students of his / her classroom to evacuate to EAP immediately.
2.2 Remind students NOT to bring any of their belongings when evacuating.
2.3 Bring along with the attendance record, if any, to EAP and take the attendance record.
2.4 Pass the consolidated attendance record to your Fire Warden or staff-in-charge.
3 Responsibility of Individual Staff or Student
If fire happens during school hours,
3.1 Evacuate to EAP immediately.
3.2 Remind your coworker or your classmates NOT to bring any of their belongings when evacuting.
3.3 Report to your Fire Warden or staff-in-charge for attendance record taking.
3.4 If anyone nearby you is found missing, report to the Fire Warden.
4 Responsibility of Fire Warden
4.1 Proceed to your responsible storey.
4.2 Remind you coworkers or students NOT to bring any of their belongings when evacuating.
4.3 Close the Smoke-proof Door after confirming that all coworkers and students are evacuated before proceeding to EAP.
4.4 Collect the attendance record for your responsible storey, and pass it to staff-in-charge.
4.5 If anyone nearby you is found missing, report to the staff-in-charge.
Please remember: do not panic and stay calm upon fire outbreaks.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Manager of Facility Management
Gratia Christian College
Mobile Phone: 9305 8596