GCC Moodle News

Announcement of 2024-25 Semester 1 Assessment Results

Announcement of 2024-25 Semester 1 Assessment Results

by NG Terry -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

Please be informed that the 2025-25 Semester 1 Assessment Results have been finalised by the Academic Board. The latest Academic Report have been posted to your student portal. Please note that your study progression report will be updated in a couple of days.

To access your student portal, please click here or, enter "https://portal.gcc.edu.hk" in your browser's address bar. Alternatively, you can access it via the Registry website under "Current Student" section.

Please note that the assessment result of a few courses (eg. Practicum) are yet to be finalised and are marked as "Pending". Updates will be posted to your student portal as soon as possible.

For students who have failed any course, you may be required to Retake or Reassess the failed courses. Further details regarding these arrangements will be sent to your email shortly. In general, the reassessment will be arranged by the end of February.

In cases of reported misconduct, you will be summoned by the Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC), where your case will be reviewed. The verdict regarding the suspected misconduct will be announced by the SDC.

If you disagree with the awarded assessment results, you may file an appeal within 10 working days (on or before 6 February 2024).  Please refer to Paragraph 5.8 of the Student Handbook for details. Late application of appeal will not be processed.

Additionally, some students who have earned sufficient credits to graduate will be notified by the Registry when the Graduation Documents are ready for collection. 

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Registry.


PS: Assessment Results posted in the Moodle System are superseded by data published in the latest Academic Report. 



謹此通知,2025-26 年度第一學期的評核結果已由學術委員會最終確定,最新的學術報告已上載至學生入門網站。您的學業進度報告將在數日內更新。

請點擊此處進入學生入門網站,或在瀏覽器的地址欄中輸入網址 "https://portal.gcc.edu.hk"。此外,也可通過教務處網站的「在校生」部分進入。



如涉及違規行為的個案,學生紀律委員會 (SDC) 將召集相關學生處理。您的個案將由委員會審議,涉嫌違規的裁決將由 SDC 公佈。

若您對已獲評核結果有異議,可在10個工作天內(即 2024 年 2 月 6 日或之前)提交申訴。詳情請參閱《學生手冊》第 5.8 段。逾期提交的申訴將不予受理。





Yours sincerely,
Dr Terry NG