GCC Moodle News

[Promotion event] Video Production Training (Feb 3 and 4, 2018)

[Promotion event] Video Production Training (Feb 3 and 4, 2018)

Student Development Office GCC發表於
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Dear Students, 

You are invited to join video production training (FREE) conducted by Film Producer - Mr. Ho Fung 
( Founder, Hong Kong Film Art Association http://www.hkfaa.org). 

The training on design thinking, story board and video production is expected to be conducted on: 

Date: Feb 3 and 4, 2018 (Sat and Sun)
Time: (Tentative Schedule) 10am - 5pm 
If you are interested in this video production training, pls send an email to sdo@gratia.edu.hk (on/ before Dec. 15th, 2017 ) for further arrangement.
PS : 
For 2018 Golden Flower 15 seconds innovative promotion video competition,
Submission is due 0n : 2018.Jan. 7.
For details, pls refer to the following website: 
Best Regards, 
Student Development Office