GCC Moodle News

Better use of our campus

Better use of our campus

NG Terry發表於
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Dear students,

As you may know that our campus is effectively shared with different groups of people. They are 

1. The Shekkipmei Church of the Assembly of God (AOG)

2. Pentecostal Assembly of God, Canada (PAOC)


The AOG people are mainly utilising the entire 1st Floor which is better known as the Assembly Hall. 

On the other hand, the PAOC people are utilising room 403, 404, the back staircase, the entire 5th floor and the roof.

And, lastly, we are using the rest of the building.



For everybody to utilise the campus efficiently without disturbing the others, you are requested to be more considerate while using the specific areas. Of cause, as you are part of Gratia Christian College, you have our consent to use any facilities that are managed by us. However, please note that PRIOR CONSENT IS REQUIRED for the use of the above highlighted areas used by AOG and PAOC.


Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact me should you have any question regarding this message.


Thank you very much for your attention.


Yours sincerely,

Dr Terry Ng

Facility Management