GCC Moodle News

(SDO) InnoFamily Award (Deadline:14 Sep)

(SDO) InnoFamily Award (Deadline:14 Sep)

by WONG Hoi Lam Jess -
Number of replies: 0



 InnoFamily Award」獲12間大專院校及全港綜合家庭服務機構支持,歡迎全港院校學生參賽,一起開發創新解決方案,以資訊及通訊科技提升家庭服務。




1. 免費工作坊:資深專家授課,學習如何在社會服務領域中應用AIVR等先進技術並獲得個人證書。

 2. 獎金比賽:學生須遞交創意計劃書競逐獎項,得獎隊伍可獲高達港幣$20,000獎金。個人或組隊參加均可。



(1) 工作坊階段 (202410月至20253)

 (2) 獎金比賽階段 (20255)




 16/9 下星期一1-2pm 負責職員將親臨圖書館解答同學的查詢。

 如有查詢,可聯絡SDO 5804 4142或Whatsapp 9756 8142。 

Dear Students,

InnoFamilyAward, sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and supported by local agencies and institutions under the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project, the Department of Social Work at Hong Kong Baptist University launches the first InnoFamily Award.

This initiative invites university students to collaborate in teams to develop innovative solutions addressing family challenges in Hong Kong, with a special focus on incorporating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into family services.

The InnoFamily Award comprises of TWO distinct phases:

(1) The Training Phase: a rich blend of free workshops, agency visits, and mentorship opportunities, designed to foster a deep understanding of how ICT integrates within social services. Participants will be awarded the “Certificate in Technology Innovation in Social Services” upon completion.

(2) The Competition Phase: submit your innovative proposal upon completing the training. The top 10 teams advance to the final round for a chance to win the InnoFamily Award and cash prizes.


(1) The Training Phase (October 2024-March 2025);

(2) The Competition Phase (May 2025).


Details and Registration:


On 16/9 next Monday from 1-2pm, the responsible staff will visit our library to answer students' inquiries.

For enquiries, please contact SDO 5804 4142 or Whatsapp 9756 8142.