GCC Moodle News

College Updates

College Updates

AU Elisa發表於
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Dear Fellow Students,

Updates to Students from the College Management

The summer season is on.  We hope your time has been well spent in the last two semesters, filled with enriched learning experiences and pleasing progress.  We are delighted to announce that the results of the second semester have been released, showcasing your hard work and dedication.  We are also excited to see another cohort of students graduating from different learning programmes, a testament to your academic achievements.  Students who have enrolled for the next academic year are mostly on summer break, while many others are busy with the practicum course or taught courses of the third semester.  

All College Assemblies planned for the academic year were not just conducted, but conducted with great success.  Inspirational talks on the theme “To Forge Ahead, To Serve, To Create” were delivered at the sharing session, leaving a lasting impact on all attendees.  The study tour to Kansai, Japan was also a resounding success, thanks to the support of external funding.  To further broaden students’ horizons and exposure, the College is planning more reaching out activities for the coming academic year.

The faculty staff has been busy preparing for programme re-accreditation exercises conducted by the regulatory body.  Programme revamps are in progress to better meet students’ learning needs and enhance the programmes’ competitiveness in the market.  

As usual, graduating students will be invited to complete a survey to update the College on their career destinations or study paths, and to revert feedback to the College for improvement.  We are almost ready to launch the Alumni Association.  Graduates will receive invitations to join as members and stay connected with the college community.

It has been confirmed that the Graduation Ceremony will be held on Saturday afternoon, 30 November 2024.  This year, there will be a choir performance of students led by Rev Lee Fu Sing during the ceremony.  Students interested in joining the choir team are requested to stay tuned for our announcement.  Further details of the ceremony will be provided in due course.

With best wishes,

College Management