GCC Moodle News

Class Arrangement during Adverse Weather Condition

Class Arrangement during Adverse Weather Condition

NG Terry發表於
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Dear Students, Lecturers and Tutors,

According to the Adverse Weather Arrangement policy, all morning classes of today (9 October 2023) have been cancelled. 

Since the the Observatory will consider lowering the Gale or Storm Signal No. 8 between at 11:45am today, the afternoon and evening classes are to be held as scheduled. As the transportation systems may be affected, you are advised to plan your travel carefully to avoid unnecessary delay. Having said that, please notify your courses Lecturer, via Moodle or email, should you experience difficulty in attending the class on schedule.


Dr Terry NG

(Edited by LAM Kevin Kai Wing - original submission Monday, 9 October 2023, 6:55 AM)