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[SOB x Lib] 研討會回顧:數字資產系列(DAS)- Web3 如何幫助實現可持續發展目標 (SDG)?

[SOB x Lib] 研討會回顧:數字資產系列(DAS)- Web3 如何幫助實現可持續發展目標 (SDG)?

LAM Kevin Kai Wing -

最近商學院在圖書館舉辦了一場關於數字資產系列 (DAS) #3 的研討會——“Web3 如何幫助實現可持續發展目標 (SDGs)?” 獲得了廣泛關注,探索了 Web3 技術如何幫助實現可持續發展目標(SDGs)。 作為商科學生,參加這個研討會有好處。 首先,Web3技術是目前最熱門的技術之一,其應用領域非常廣泛,從金融到物流,從社交媒體到音樂行業,都可能受到Web3技術的影響。 因此,了解Web3技術可以幫助同學們更好地把握未來業務發展趨勢,提高競爭力。The recent School of Business (SOB) had a seminar at the library, about Digital Asset Series (DAS) #3 - "How Can Web3 Help Achieve The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?" has gained widespread attention, and explored how Web3 technology can help achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). As a  business student, there are benefits to attending this seminar. Firstly, Web3 technology is one of the hottest technologies at present, and its application areas are very extensive, from finance to logistics, from social media to the music industry, all of which may be affected by Web3 technology. Therefore, understanding Web3 technology can help students better grasp future business development trends and improve their competitiveness. 

其次,Web3 技術與可持續發展目標密切相關。 在研討會上,演講者強調了 Web3 技術如何幫助實現環境、社會和治理的可持續性,所有這些都是商科學生的重要問題。 了解 Web3 技術如何應用於這些領域可以幫助學生更好地掌握可持續發展的概念和實踐。Secondly, Web3 technology is closely related to sustainable development goals. In the seminar, speakers emphasized how Web3 technology can help achieve environmental, social, and governance sustainability, all of which are important issues for business students. Understanding how Web3 technology can be applied to these areas can help students better grasp the concepts and practices of sustainable development. 

此外,Web3技術還涉及區塊鏈技術、智能合約、加密貨幣等專業知識,這些知識在商業領域越來越重要。 通過參加本次會議,同學們可以深入了解這些專業領域,提高技能和知識,為未來的發展做好更好的準備。In addition, Web3 technology also involves specialized knowledge such as blockchain technology, smart contracts, and cryptocurrencies, which are increasingly important in the business field. By attending this seminar, students can gain in-depth knowledge of these specialized areas, improve their skills and knowledge, and better prepare for their future development. 

當你錯過了,歡迎重溫 📹 ! When you missed it, welcome to revisit 📹 ! 

📹  From Ms Stacy Ho - Founder / CEO of LearnFi | 📃 Keynote

📹  From Mr Geoffrey Cheng - Marketing & Content Strategy Manager of BCW Group  | 📃 Keynote

📹  From Mr Samson Lee - Chairman of the Organizing Committee at DAS Seminars & TADS Awards CEO of Coinstreet & iShang | 📃 Keynote

📹  Panel Discussion 

Q1. From CSR to SDG/ ESG, how can NFT and Web3.0 offer help to achieve Transformations with Productivity? 從CSR到SDG/ESG,NFT和Web3.0如何助力生產力轉型?

Q2. Digital Assets, examples / Market Projection and Job Creation 數字資產、示例/市場預測和創造就業機會


圖書館服務時間 Library service hours 

Monday to Friday, from 9:15 am to 7:00 pm (逢星期一至五,由上午九時正 至 下午七時正)

Saturday, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (逢星期六,由上午九時正 至 中午十二時正)

電話 Tel5804-4141

電郵 Email : libinfo@gratia.edu.hk

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