GCC Moodle News

Invitation to Seminar: From Stanislavski to Psychology

Invitation to Seminar: From Stanislavski to Psychology

Wong Lai Kit -

Dear Gratians,

It is our great pleasure to have Professor Au Wing-tung, Winton to hold a seminar for us at Gratia on a psychology topic. Professor Au is the Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is specialized in the areas of Social Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Psychology of Theatre. The information of this seminar is provided as follows:

Topic: From Stanislavski* to Psychology

Date: 24 April 2017

Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Venue: Room 303

For registration : Please sign up here->  https://goo.gl/forms/6ochgCqFtPebvwvE3

Students from all Schools are welcome!


*Stanislavski 的中文譯名是史坦尼斯拉夫斯基,是俄國著名戲劇和表演理論家。代表作有<演員的自我修養>。此名字因在周星馳所主演的電影<喜劇之王>中經常出現而廣為香港人所熟悉。