GCC Moodle News

College Updates

College Updates

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Dear Fellow Students,

Updates to Students from the College Management 

Warmest greetings to all new and returning students!  We believe you are as delighted as we are to have met your teachers and coursemates on campus in the new academic year of 2022/23.

Our classrooms look lively and bustling this year as we have a significant growth in student enrolment.  It is pleasing to see so many new faces joining the College as Gratians and bringing new energy to the campus.  You may also wish to know that we have more new learning programmes launched this year, and all academic staff have been busily preparing for the new term.  

While expressing our welcome to you, we would like to remind you that all health safety measures are duly implemented by the College under the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic.  Using the LeaveHomeSafe mobile app and compliance with the stipulated vaccine pass requirements are mandatory for access to campus.  Bear in mind to stay vigilant and observe social distancing all the time.

After a restful summer break, you may need time to adapt to the pace and routines of college life.  If you come across problems and need someone for advice, remember the mentor is the first port of call for students to seek guidance and help.  You may approach your course lecturers, programme directors and school heads for learning and programme matters.  The Student Development Office and the Counsellor will also be there for you to provide the necessary service and support.  

For the freshmen, you probably have received the essential information and tips from the orientation activities and programme induction.  Make efforts to settle down to the College environment, and familiarise yourself as quickly as possible with the use of Moodle, different learning tools and skills, as well as available resources and support.  Stay connected with your peer tutor, who will be the College buddy to help you integrate into college life at Gratia.

As announced in previous College Updates, we are preparing the logistics arrangements for the Graduation Ceremony planned for 4 November 2022 at the Southorn Stadium.  It will be a combined ceremony for four cohorts of graduates, and a senior Government official has accepted our invitation to be the guest of honour.  

Amidst the commencement of a new academic year, we hope you are ready to start afresh and make the best out of the year ahead.  Don’t hesitate to explore different learning experiences and make new acquaintances.  We can’t wait to see you enjoying your college life and having lots of awesome moments as a Gratian.

Best wishes to you all! 

College Management