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[Library] 在抗疫期間學習,使用e-resources助你獲得更好成績 (II)

[Library] 在抗疫期間學習,使用e-resources助你獲得更好成績 (II)

LAM Kevin Kai Wing發表於
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上星期,為大家介紹左Wiley Digital Textbook。如果大家有試用過的話,真係恭喜你又學懂用新嘅平台工具!

今次小編會為大家介紹 Gale eBooks。你哋就會問Gale又同Wiley有咩分別呢?

答案:簡單來講,就只係唔同出版社出嘅電子書。Gale eBooks 前身係 Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL),包括多學科研究的百科全書、年鑑和專業參考資源。


  1. A Social Worker's Guide to Working with Survivors
  2. Incorporating Diversity and Inclusion into Trauma-Informed Social Work: Transformational Leadership
  3. Becoming a Social Worker: Global Narratives
  4. Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice
  5. A Field Guide for Social Workers: Applying Your Generalist Training
  6. Research Techniques for Clinical Social Workers
  7. The Handbook of Individual Therapy
  8. The Science of Emotions
  9. Understanding Psychology: Understanding Motivation
  10. Understanding Psychology: Understanding Personality
  11. Toward a Positive Psychology of Relationships: New Directions in Theory and Research
  12. The Psychology of Learning and Motivation
  13. Emotional Healing For Dummies®
  14. Motivation For Dummies®
  15. Exploring Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Well-Being
  16. Emotions, Technology, and Social Media
  17. Stress: Concepts, Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior



Q&A. 如何使用?

1. 使用電腦💻,連結到 Gale eBook網頁 (到網頁後,唔知點做可以按Help?幫手)

2. 成功登入OpenAthens後,便可以立即使用電子資源

*如果試左幾次都係有問題,你就需要立即搵你嘅Librarian 幫手啦!


圖書館服務時間:逢星期一至五,由上午九時正  下午五時三十分


電郵 : libinfo@gratia.edu.hk

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