GCC Moodle News

Toward a COVID-19 free campus

Toward a COVID-19 free campus

NG Terry -

Dear All,

As our community is on the verge of the COVID-19 variance "omicron" outbreak, the College require your cooperation in safeguarding our campus in order to carry on high quality teaching and learning activities. The objective is to reduce the risk of cross-infection while keeping our campus open.

Please observe the followings:

  1. All personnel entering the campus MUST tap their student card or staff card onto the Health Declaration System (at the Registry) to verify their vaccination or COVID-19 test validity. Check your body temperature and wash your hand. Non-complying people will be reported for follow up actions.
  2. Make good use of the disinfecting tools in the classroom. Wash your hands and table frequently if necessary.
  3. Wear a mask all the time within the campus all the time. Mask on even if you are alone please.
  4. If you are not feeling well, don't take your chance. Consult a doctor as soon as possible and stay home. Apply leave of absence here.
  5. To reduce the risk of cross-infection, NO EATING AND DRINKING in class/lecture is allowed.
  6. Eating inside the campus is strongly discouraged. If eating inside the campus is unavoidable, please consider having light food only. Open areas such as the garden next to the main entrance, 2nd floor patio or car park should be considered.
  7. For students attending evening classes, please try your best to have your meal at home / office before starting the journey to the campus.
  8. Eating inside classroom during 1:00pm to 2:15pm or 5:30pm to 6:20pm is allowed only if no more than six people are inside the classroom, one people per table and they are not facing each other. Avoid talking as much as possible. Light food only please. Eating outside the specified time is strictly prohibited. Non-complying people will be asked to leave the classroom immediately.
  9. Although all Lecturers have been requested to exercise discretion on the attendance matters, you are expected to communicate with the concerning Lecturer for a mutually agreeable arrangement.
  10. All Teaching and Learning activities are in face-to-face mode. Students who are not able to visit the campus physically due to legitimate reasons, such as Compulsory Testing, Mandatory Quarantine or outside Hong Kong, will be exempted from attending the lecture in face-to-face mode.  On-line learning facility will be made available to them.


We understand that the above procedures may not be enough for fighting the COVID-19 and they may not be a good option for everyone, please do you part to end the Pandemic, be vigilant against the virus and exercise common sense to help each other during the time of the Pandemic. 

Please do not hesitate to contact the Registry should you have any question.


Stay safe and stay healthy.


PS: Here is my previous message regarding the Compulsory Testing.




Dr  Terry NG
