GCC Moodle News

Hong Kong ASD Conference 2017: Family Support and Development

Hong Kong ASD Conference 2017: Family Support and Development

Wong Lai Kit發表於
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The Hong Kong ASD Conference 2017 is the second annual signature event organized by JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network, which aims at enhancing support for families with members on the autism (自閉症) spectrum. The Conference seeks to promote effective and evidence-informed support for individuals with ASD and their family members. It will also serve as a platform for experts, professionals, educators, caregivers, and interested parties to share their work and insights.

You are invited to enroll to the conference with details as below:


9 January 2017


09:00 to 18:00


Hall II, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong


For enrollment and further information about the conference, please visit http://www.socsc.hku.hk/hkasd2017/