GCC Moodle News

Class arrangement on 11 November 2019 (Updated at 11:00am)

Class arrangement on 11 November 2019 (Updated at 11:00am)

FOK Chun Wai Ian -

*Latest update at 11:00 a.m. 11 November 2019*
Dear Students,

Your attention is drawn to the following arrangement due to the traffic conditions in various districts today (11 November 2019):

1. The campus will remain open.
2. All classes before 12 noon will be conducted as usual.  Your absence and lateness due to traffic problems will be handled with flexibility.  If you are not able to attend class(es) this morning, please inform your lecturer(s) via email. You are not required to submit any leave application to Registry for traffic issues.
3. All classes at or after 12 noon will be canceled.
4. Please pay attention to the latest arrangement to be announced via Moodle.
5. Most importantly, please be alerted of your safety.

Thanks for your attention.

Warm regards,
Ian Fok