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Dear All Colleagues,

In view of the recent surge of Covid-19 cases within the school campus, senior management would like 
to encourage ALL staff (full / part time) to conduct a daily RAT before they come to the school.  If your RAT 
shows a positive result or you are in doubt, please DO NOT come to the school, and acknowledge HR 
immediately to seek further assistance. 

From time to time, FMO discovers Staff and Students wearing NO masks in the public areas like Library
ITSO, or even in the classrooms.    We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that ALL Staff 
and Students are REQUIRED to MASK UP within the school campus.  If you or your students do not 
have a mask, FMO will be very happy to help at the G/F Registry.

Thank you for your understanding!

Warm regards,

GCC Library Announcement

Library Temporary Closure for College Event (9 Sept)

Due to a College event, the Library will be closed between 3 pm and 5 pm on 9 Sept (Friday). The Book Drop will stay outside for book return.

The Library resumes as normal after the event. Should you have any queries, please contact us via phone 5804 4141 or email

You are welcome to contact us for assistance.

Gratia Christian College Library 

 Call: (852) 5804 4141 | 
 E-mail: | 
LiveChat: Click Here

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

GCC Moodle News -> [LIB] Learning APA 7th edition

by LAM Kevin Kai Wing -

| 🎮 RefQuest Video Game: Click Here 

| 📁 APA 7th Guide: Click Here 

| 📁 Quick Guide: Click Here 

| ▶️ YouTube : 


You are welcome to contact us for assistance. 

Gratia Christian College Library 

 Call: (852) 5804 4141 
LiveChat: Click Here

GCC Moodle News -> [LIB] Learning out of the box

by LAM Yi Ling Elaine -

讀書SO EASY 3 創意思維--第三講

一對中學英文老師 大學教授從來不幫女兒溫習

一個從少玩大的女孩 也是通過玩才考到醫生試

到底玩是否真的對讀書有幫助 如何平衡玩與學


Gratia Christian College Library 

Call: (852) 5804 4141 | 
E-mail: | 
LiveChat: Click Here

GCC Moodle News -> [LIB] Learning out of the box

by LAM Yi Ling Elaine -


對談課題:「我們決定結婚了。媽說: 『你爸爸的女友出現,我就不參與。』我該怎麼辦?」






**以上製作由 遠東廣播Soooradio 及 全康澄心基金合作播出。特別嗚謝﹗**

主持人: 黃葉仲萍博士, 全康澄心基金 Mindful Heart Foundation

Gratia Christian College Library 

Call: (852) 5804 4141 | 
E-mail: | 
LiveChat: Click Here

GCC Moodle News -> VDI system shutdwon for maintenance

by AU-YEUNG Alan -

Dear All,

Please be reminded that the VDI system will not be available from 7:00pm today (27 July 2022). The VDI system will resume tomorrow morning.

All other systems, such as Moodle, Zoom, WiFi, Windows (Room 306), the iMac (in classroom, Library and ITSO) and etc, will not be affected. You are kindly to reschedule your works accordingly.

Please do not hesitate to contact ITSO should you have any questions.


Alan Au Yeung

IT Officer

GCC Moodle News -> [LIB] Learning out of the box

by LAM Yi Ling Elaine -


新冠疫情持續數年後,本港的學習環境及教學模式也出現重大轉變。特別是間斷式實體及線上學習,明顯對學童的學習及情緒發展帶來來影響。為提升眾對抑鬱症問題的關注度及認識精神健康的重要性,宏恩基督教學院及晉峰青年商會發布了「香港學童情緒健康問卷調查」報告,研究透過56 條問題作出情緒健康評估及對尋獲人生意義與親子關係作出全面調查及檢討。

於疫情期間以問卷形式訪問,1501 名學童完成全份問卷,年齡介乎9 18 。約兩成學童(19.7%)壓力力指數屬高於正常水平,逾一成多學童感到抑鬱(13.4%)及焦慮 (12.5%)。與歐美國家3-17 歲學童診斷抑鬱(4.4%)及焦慮(9.4%)相比,情況實在急需正視。其中學童的一些明顯情緒症狀狀包括:

l 超過兩成學童「發覺自己很容易被觸怒」(21.9%

l 約兩成半學童「感到很難自動去開始學習/工作」(23.9%

l 約三成半學童「憂慮自己恐慌或出醜」(34.7%



1. 用已實證的量度工具,識別受情緒困擾較嚴重的學童,作為自殺預防措施。

2. 家庭要建立「關懷」、「接納」的關係可令學童感到安全與放鬆。

3. 從小建立正向信念及有意義的人生價值觀可以有效減少學童情緒波動,而引發輕念頭的機會

4. 家長主動協助建正向人意義可有效改善情緒健康狀況。


香港學童情緒健康問卷調查2022新聞發佈會 全場版 


香港學童情緒健康調查研究 (PPT






Gratia Christian College Library 

 Call: (852) 5804 4141 | 
 E-mail: | 
LiveChat: Click Here