GCC Moodle News

Week 1 and 2 are the course add/drop period

Week 1 and 2 are the course add/drop period

NG Terry發表於
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

Some of you may be able to tailor made your own study plan by adding/dropping some courses during the semester. The study plan for this semester should have been finalised unless you have submitted your add/drop request recently. However, you are reminded to observe the following points:

  1. You must follow the timetable of your programme during the course add/drop period.
  2. You will be notified with the result of the course add/drop request. Notification will be in form of email or change of Moodle course enrollment.
  3. If you want to sit in a to-be-added course, please notify the lecturer of the course while waiting for the completion of the add/drop process.

The timetables are available in the Registry website. Please refer to the timetable of your programme for class schedule.


PS: Please have the mask on all the time during the Lecture. This should be applicable to all participants, lecturer and students, of the class. You are welcome to report any case of violation to the Registry by email please.



Dr Terry NG
